Enjoy the H&H team’s top tweets from the equestrian twitterverse this week.
The week on twitter
Rodrigo Pessoa as you have never seen him before
Rodrigo Pessoa @rpessoa29 as you've never seen him before – hold the front page @horseandhound #LAMasters pic.twitter.com/BVtR1Djrgv
— jen donald (@donaldjdonald) September 28, 2014
We bet Emily Llwellyn was popular with those in the queue behind her —the things people will do for a Big Mac…
Note to self, Little lorry doesnt fit in McDonalds drivethru, got2last corner&had 2reverse the whole way back out as did everyone behind me!
— Emily Llewellyn (@Emily_Llewellyn) September 26, 2014
It’s great to hear that Lissa Green has recovered from her awful fall and we wish her luck for the rest of the eventing season
WE ARE SIGNED OFF BABY #MedicalSuspension LIFTED!!! Watch out @BEventing -I'm a coming! haha just hopefully not hard into the dirt this time
— Lissa Green Eventing (@LissaGreen88) September 29, 2014
We think comedian Jack Whitehall has possibly one of the best named horses in history
Good luck to @jackwhitehall who's horse – the wonderfully named Eatsleepracerepeat – makes his debut in the first at Wolverhampton tomorrow!
— ROA (@RacehorseOwners) September 29, 2014
Nicki Strong has hit the nail on the head here
When you go on holiday & leave a few instructions about looking after your horses… #EquestrianProblems pic.twitter.com/BaWO1wvEKp
— Nicki Strong (@HSEquestrian) September 23, 2014
This is what happened when firefighter Lottie Sutcliffe left her H&H mag unattended at work
@horseandhound Left my copy at work again.. #firefighters pic.twitter.com/vlWEH5SDzl
— Lottie (@lottielouises) September 30, 2014
We hear you Amy Symons
Only horsey people will understand why anyone says "I'm so hairy and itchy" in October #clippingseason @horseandhound
— AmyCharlotte (@ACSymons) October 1, 2014
Ruth Mealey’s foal sadly had other ideas on how to look beautiful
@bedelive trying very hard to bring clean Youngstock tomorrow but it's an uphill battle #OsbertonHT @horseandhound pic.twitter.com/NjPXZI0Vvr
— Ruth Mealey (@rruthie1) October 1, 2014
Just looking at Tim Stockdale’s impressive dismount makes us wince
No wonder I ache a bit. pic.twitter.com/eBnM060txH
— Tim Stockdale (@iamtimstockdale) September 29, 2014
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