#SundaySchool: how to improve lead changes over a fence
This exercise, as explained by five-star Irish event rider, Camilla Speirs (pictured), explains how to improve lead changes over a fence
This exercise, as explained by five-star Irish event rider, Camilla Speirs (pictured), explains how to improve lead changes over a fence
Talented young showjumper Graham Babes explains how he improves his horses’ rhythm and straightness in a sequence of fences
Caroline Moore, former five-star eventer and British Eventing national under-18 coach and junior team coach, explains how you can use this exercise to develop your horse’s hoof/brain co-ordination
Event rider and coach Nick Gauntlett explains how you can use poles to dictate the rhythm that will give horse and rider belief in their approach to a fence
The international showjumper uses a canter-on-a-circle exercise to help develop balance and control, which can be used in the ring
Former event rider and current working hunter specialist Louise Lyons provides some advice on tackling this element
Do you suffer from competition riding nerves? Find out how to take control and use nerves to improve your performance
Showjumper David Simpson shares an exercise to ensure your horse meets a fence on the perfect stride
We all know how to walk a showjumping course so we know where to go, which fence comes next and what the distances are in the combination fences, but what other things should you be thinking about as you walk around the track prior to your round?
Here’s some helpful pointers from Irish international showjumper David Simpson on how to ride a perfect dog leg line while showjumping
The international showjumper offers expert advice for ensuring your horse stays on the perfect line for take-off
Here’s some helpful pointers from Irish international showjumper David Simpson on how to achieve the perfect take-off spot
The international showjumper explains how to adjust a horse’s stride over related distances
This duo of top horsemen combined their expertise recently at the International Eventing Forum
Kirstie Leightley, an international showjumper who is based with top rider Guy Williams in France, shares her top tips on how to be unbeatable in a jump-off
Five-star event rider Georgie Spence provides one rider with some helpful advice on how to see a stride while jumping
Irish event rider Austin O’Connor explains a simple exercise to help teach horses to land on the correct canter lead after a jump
Camilla rounds up her final shows of 2019 and shares some useful exercises too